Renegade Pontoon Boat Polishing Kit


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This kit is all-in-one solution for anyone looking to polish and maintain an aluminum pontoon boat. Whether you are looking to restore your pontoon boat to high luster or are looking to maintain a shine that is unparalleled during a weekend out on the lake, this kit has what you need.

Your first step when polishing an aluminum pontoon boat is to use our 600 grit sanding discs to knock off any surface oxidation from the surface of the boat. Following your 600 grit orbital sand, you'll want to polish on a rotary polishing unit at 3500 RPM. You will pair our Orange Airway Buffing Wheel with the Brown Tripoli compound bar for the cutting stage. For the coloring stage, you will pair our Yellow Airway Buffing Wheel with our Green Rogue polishing compound. As a final step, you may use Renegade Red Liquid Metal Polish in any hard to reach areas the buffer may have missed. Rebel red is also a perfect hand polish to maintain your finish between high speed polishing sessions.